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The Secret of the Sea Witch


When Marisa quits the enchanted halls of The Aquademy, she is hoping for a calmer life than a future as a Sea Witch promises.  Plagued by disturbing dreams about her deceased mother, she returns home.  But her cozy sea cave proves to be anything but secure when merfolk begin to disappear and Marisa herself seems to be coming unglued. 


Her father, Alcedo, busy traveling as the Chief Officer of the mercolonies, doesn't approve of her living alone under such dangerous conditions. She is forced to return to school where she discovers that her oldest brother, Sail, is the latest victim in a series of disappearances.


Counting on their strong telepathic connection to lead her to him, Marisa defies authority and stages a ruse that helps her escape the now heavily guarded Aquademy.  She sets out on a journey that tests her resolve and taps into magical powers she has no idea she possesses. 


Meanwhile, Sail faces his own tribulations at sea, kidnapped on a ship called The Sea Witch. 


Together and apart, the siblings learn of their connection to magic, to merfolk history, and to the dark secret of The Sea Witch.



           Available on Kindle and!



Brandy and the Banshees


Brandy Connor, feisty lead singer for White Noise, knows how to take care of herself and stand up to the guys in the band.  She even has the guts to face the banshee who heralds her mother’s death.  But when a new and terrible wraith appears at the club during a gig, even Brandy gets stage fright.


Tales of an old family curse surface as her brothers fall victim to unexplainable illnesses and accidents.  Brandy, gifted with “the sight”, knows the wraith’s part in the disasters.  With everything she loves at stake, she plots her way to Ireland to search for a long-lost relation who holds the key to the mystery that has plagued the Connors for generations.


Will Brandy find her in time to save her family?

Watch for more works in progress!

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