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As a child, M. D. Mascaro suspected that she was sent to this planet by angry alien politicos as punishment for publishing scathing exposés.  Upon discovering this, her parents summarily dispelled the delusion. They informed her that the gypsies left her.


Finishing college with a degree in English Literature and four teaching certifications, it was only natural that M. D. would take a dead-end job in retail and sing in a rock band on the weekends.  Assiduously avoiding any sort of employment that correlated with her education, she spent various incarnations as Nashville songwriter, NYC character actress, voiceover artist, taxi driver, and waitress. To name a few. This kind of perpetual identity crisis made writing for teens a natural.


When her son was born, M. D. obtained an MA in Fine Arts with concentrations in art history and archaeology.  She taught high school art and raised her son to be a wizard.  She and her son both reside in New Jersey.  For now.  She hopes to eventually move to Rivendell.


M. D. loves travel, snorkeling, and dressing up like a mermaid. She has traveled to at least 27 countries, often alone.  She now writes fiction exclusively in order to avoid any more trouble with the aliens.


Everything above is completely true...except for the part about the aliens.



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